
What types of pre-treatment do you offer?

We offer a variety of pre-treatment options to cater for a wide range of metal types. The best pre-treatment option for your parts will depend entirely upon the metal type, the condition of the metal and the desired outcome for those parts. The most common pre-treatment options we use here at Worcester Powder Coating are media blasting and iron phosphate.

Iron Phosphate

Phosphate coating is a process used mainly for steel and aluminium parts and provides a corrosion resistance or lubrication, acting as a primer base for the coating. Our phosphate plant is an on-line system which allows us to apply phosphate to the parts prior to powder coating.


Another type of pre-treatment that we commonly use is media blasting. We offer a wide range of blasting Medias, including steel, glass, vapour and more. The steel blasting is used primarily for steel items and provides an excellent key for coating. It is also used for removing rust and scale, resulting in a clean and even finish. This is the type of blasting used prior to our thermal zinc coating, which provides excellent durability and anti-corrosion.

Glass blasting is used primarily for aluminium products, but also works well for any brittle metals which have to be blasted carefully. This process thoroughly cleans and prepares the surfaces of the metal without affecting the structure.

Thermal Zinc Metal Spraying

Hot Thermal Zinc Spraying is an anti-corrosive protection system used for very long life coating requirements. This is an excellent option for pre-treatment as it provides extremely long-life protection of metals.

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