
Return to life!

One of the more popular types of domestic work we carry out is refurbishment of old metalwork, which can entail a variety of different methods of work and services.

Pyrolysis Oven

We have a pyrolysis oven which is used to burn existing paint from old metalwork which begins the refurbishment stage. Following this, items are then shot blasted to remove any remaining debris, before being primed for rust protection and coated with the colour of your choice. This is used for a huge variety of both commercial and domestic work, including gates, garden furniture, car parts, bike frames and much more.

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Chemical Stripping Tanks

For the refurbishment of aluminium/cast aluminium parts, we offer a stripping service, which works similarly to the oven for steel items, but is used by dipping the parts in a chemical tank to remove any old paint and debris. Following this process, the parts are blasted with a fine glass bead ready for powder coating/wet spray. This is used specifically for alloy wheels, aluminium garden furniture and much more.

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